Oblate Program at Belmont Abbey, NC

New Grail Psalter

psalm008The Grail Psalter is the translation of the Psalms used for the Liturgy of the Hours. It has been announced that a new translation of the Psalter has been completed and submitted to the Vatican. If Roman approves the translation, the Psalms used at Mass and The Liturgy of the Hours will be revised not only for the United States but also for most of the English speaking world. This does not mean you would have to get rid of your copies of The Liturgy of the Hours or Christian Prayer. Each Oblate, however, needs to be mindful that there is change in the offing. If you would like to read more you can go the the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, the press release through Catholic News Service, and the statement by Conception Abbey, the Benedictine monastery that wrote the new translation.


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