Oblate Program at Belmont Abbey, NC

Detachment of the Heart and Peace

hagiasophia_Christ2_webVery frequently … the Lord asks only an attitude of detachment at the level of the heart, a disposition to give Him everything. But he doesn’t necessarily ‘take’ everything. He leaves us in peaceful possession of many things when they are not bad in themselves and can serve His designs, knowing how to reassure us with respect to scruples that we might have in enjoying certain goods, certain human joys, scruples that one frequently finds in those who love the Lord and want to do His will. And we must firmly believe that if God requires effective detachment of us, relative to this or that reality, He will have us clearly understand this in good time, He will give us the necessary strength. And this detachment, even though it is painful at the moment, will be followed by profound peace. The proper attitude then is simply to be disposed to give everything to God, without panic, and to allow Him to do things His way, in total confidence.

From Searching for and Maintaining Peace, by Fr. Jacques Philippe. (Copyright 2002 by the Society of St. Paul)


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