Oblate Program at Belmont Abbey, NC

That one ought not judge any man

It happened that temptation fell upon a brother in the monastery of abbot Elias, and they cast him out: and he came to the mountain, to abbot Antony. After he had been with him for some time, Antony sent him back to the community whence he had come out. But when they saw him, they again drove him away: and again he made his way to the Abbot Antony, saying, “They would not receive me, Father.” Then the old man sent to them, saying, “A ship was wrecked at sea, and lost all the cargo that it carried, and with hard toil was the empty ship brought at last to land. Is it your wish to sink on land the ship that hath come safe from sea?” And the recognized that it was the abbot Antony who had sent him back and straightway they took him in.


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