Oblate Program at Belmont Abbey, NC

Napoleon complex

mirror-cat-lion-dohle-webI would think that most people have authority issues.  Well I think I have meet one person who did not seem to have any, but even then I am not sure.  Authority is either not trusted, feared or despised by most; usually one of the three being dominant. They can all surface from time to time and can cause trouble, since authority issues are irrational, though they came into being from experience usually from childhood, but not always. Some of my problems come from my stint in the military for instance, but the deeper root comes from when I was very little, about three years of age.
Of course authority needs to be challenged, but if it is based on a strong emotional reaction, then it becomes a transference, which in reality is an over reaction over some present situation, that is feed by unresolved issues from the past.  I have been on both sides of the fence and so have tasted the frustration from each end.
Even though I know my issues, I can still be drowned by my irrational distrust of authority and have on any number of occasions, had to apologies for some over the top reaction. Also I have had to endure the same from some who have had to work for me and how difficult it can be to get through to them. To the actual present situation, and to try to get them so see the other side of the problem. Sometimes I have been able to do this, at others not.  I have learned to let go when this happens, nothing can be done. I know that those I have worked under have had to do that with me.
To accept a position of authority, no matter how small will bring with it a host of problems, some severe.  It is good to know if these kinds of things can be handled without going over into the deep end. Also it is helpful to understand ones weaknesses in this regard, since abuse of authority is common.
I have learned that the things I have trouble with in others who have authority are in fact the very weakness I have when I am put into a supervisory position.  It is very helpful to know this, because it allows room to listen to what others have to say.  Or to call a time out when things get to tense, I have done that also. Sometimes supervisors also have to admit when wrong, a very hard lesson to learn. When given a promotion, it is hard to know how one will react.  Truth be told, there are some people who should never be put into any kind of position over others.  Unless of course disaster wants to be courted, which often seems to be the case; the Napoleon complex is alive and well.

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