Oblate Program at Belmont Abbey, NC

Poetry rss

Religious Poetry

Drinking sand

I often don’t understand what I am about, saying one thing then doing another, wondering all the while at my mediocrity, my winding journey up the mountain, fits and starts unending or so it seems, often ending back in the valley lost and alone among my own inner demons, failures, also just a simple fear… Read More ›


Breathe again

The soul weighed down with pain from the past, tortured with desire to punish and hurt, becoming a victim, yes once again, giving power to the evil done, while the inner chains become heavier as the years fly by, poisoning life, until forgiveness given, bringing forth ones true humanity once again, to child like wonder… Read More ›



Tears and anguish follow us all in one form or another, also joy, love and pleasure, grace our days, friendship and betrayal in the plays of our lives, a dark forming force deeply felt, each playing one role and then the other, mask changed, yet in the end when it is all said and done,… Read More ›


Warm winter evening

The evening warm for a December day, the air quiet, gentle, comforting in its caress, the woods piled high with the fall’s bounty the leaves spreading their decaying perfume , frankincense like to my perception. In one small part of forest surrounded by small roads on all sides, contains a beautiful Bamboo crop, some tall… Read More ›


Hook in me

Emotions flow of their own accord often times my mind plays it’s own tapes, movies, reruns seen often, all I have to do is sit back and observe, the length of their life depending on how the observer reacts, calmly allowing things to proceed, or being absorbed by the inner play, which allows the story… Read More ›



At times I get weary about who and what I am, what we are as a species, how we need to struggle to just be rational, yet often controlled by our deep sub-conscious, lip surface to a path chosen, yet in reality often possibly forced by inner forces to act otherwise, yet the will remains… Read More ›


Too soon

When young and healthy the world is ours, our bodies sleek, or if not at least strong, if not that, we still have years to look forward to, death something far off not to be thought off. Yet the years speed by and soon, too soon, we find ourselves among the middle aged or the… Read More ›



The child comes into the world helpless, in need of constant love and care, it reaches out, it’s need apparent as it whimpers for the touch, the mother’s smile, totally dependent, the weakest of the weak, defenseless before those who do not love. To be held, caressed and treasured, to feed from the mother’s breast,… Read More ›


Shallow sport

So easy to forget what we are about, or perhaps forgetting is not the point, for if truth be told it seems we don’t know. Money, power and yes, sex seems to be a main concern, only the veneer important, the body, clothes, the car we drive, the face we put out to others lest… Read More ›


Give freely

In disappointment the heart is tried, in pain it bleeds, seeking what gives it life, wounds are received, for true love among many counterfeits can be hard to find, leading some to despair, even death, others, to seek more deeply until the treasure is found. So when asked for love give it freely, for healing… Read More ›
