Oblate Program at Belmont Abbey, NC

Materials for Lectio Divina


The Holy Scriptures: Many of the modern translations are well done with good, literal translations. It is recommended that you select a translation that includes the Deutocanonical, other wise known as Apocrypha, books. The translations most recommended are:

Revised Standard Version (RSV)
New Revised Standard (NRSV)
New American Bible (NAB)

The New Revised Standard (NRSV) is under copyright restrictions and finding a reliable site that gives an accurate translation is difficult to find. Crosswalk.com has a reliable version but you must login and register to use it. The links for the Revised Standard Version (RSV) and the New American Bible (NAB) are made to Roman Catholic sites noted for their accuaracy. The RSV can also be read from Crosswalk.com.  The NAB can only be read on-line at the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops’ website which hold the copyright.

Works recommended by St. Benedict (RB 73: 5-6):

Title Auhtor Format  
The Institutes (St.) John Cassian HTMLHTML, PDF  

The Institutes, (St.) John Cassian
      HTML; PDF

The Conferences, (St.) John Cassian
     HTML; PDF
The Rule of St. Benedict
The Rule of St. Basil
Writings of the Desert Fathers and Mothers
     HTML; PDF

The complete Rule of St. Basil is only found in print. In addition to the specific works mentioned above, the general category of works that follow are also suitable for Lectio. A large number of works related to the early Fathers of the Church and the Desert Fathers and Mothers can be read at St. John’s Abbey website http://www.osb.org/.

Writings of the Desert Fathers and Mothers

St. Athanasius: Life of St. Anthony

Writings of the Church Fathers

The Didache

If you have found other books or web sources that you found suitable for Lectio Divina please post them here.


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