Oblate Program at Belmont Abbey, NC

Angel Visits Charlotte Hospital

For those of you who might have missed it, the Charlotte Observer ran the following story December 23, 2008. The event occurred here at Presbyterian Hospital on November 5. the following is an excerpt from the Charlotte Observer as reported by Jane Duckwall

This photo shows an “angel” of light Chelsea's mother saw at Presbyterian Hospital in November. Photo by Colleen Banton

This photo shows an “angel” of light Chelsea's mother saw at Presbyterian Hospital in November. Photo by Colleen Banton

“On the afternoon of Nov. 5, as family and friends prayed about the decision, a nurse practitioner called Colleen’s attention to a monitor showing the door to the pediatric intensive care unit. “On the monitor, there was this bright light,” Colleen recalls. “And I looked at it and I said, ‘Oh my goodness! It looks like an angel!” Colleen pointed her digital camera at the monitor to take a photo of the image, but the “first picture wouldn’t take.” She tried again and succeeded.

The image gave her a peace that stayed with her when hospital staff removed Chelsea’s oxygen mask. And then, “when they took the mask off of her, her stats went as high as they’ve ever been. “Her color was good, and the doctors and nurses were amazed,” Colleen said. “The nurse practitioner who saw the image in the monitor said, ‘I’ve worked here 15 years, and I’ve never seen anything like it.'”

Chelsea was removed from intensive care on Nov. 14 and went home three days later. Her mother believes it was a miracle – attended by a very real angel bathed in light at the door to the pediatric intensive care unit. “What was so ironic… is it was a rainy day,” Colleen said. “It had been overcast all day. And the sun only came out at that point.” To those who doubt her story and photograph, Colleen Banton says: “If they doubt it, that’s fine. … But I know what I saw, and the picture’s untouched. I didn’t make it up. That’s just something that I believe.”


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