Oblate Program at Belmont Abbey, NC

Lectio Divina as School of Prayer

lectio_book_webThere is a great number of scholarly articles that have been published to the web. Periodically a fairly long article will be posted to this site site for your study and enlightenment. Mostly it will be simply a link with a short introduction similar to what was done in a recent post. At other times the entire article will be placed on the web site under “For Further Study”. Since most of these article are copyrighted we will store the original article here only when the post came from a secondary source or because the article is so note-worthy that it would be a tremendous loss if someone forgets to pay the domain fees and we lose the article.

And thus it is with the following article by Armand Veilleux, OCSO, Lectio Divina as School of Prayer. It is a translation of a talk given at the Centre Saint-Louis-des-Français, in Rome, in November 7, 1995. Originally it could only be found in secondary sources. The primary source was found only after three-quarters of the document had been reformated and hyperlinked for reflective study. It is much too long to produce in the oblate newsletter but it’s value cannot be over-emphasized. If you have no time to read the whole article, at least read the section on the modern notion of lectio divina.


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