Oblate Program at Belmont Abbey, NC

Torn by Demons

anthony_figure_webThere was a brother who renounced the world, gave all his possessions to the poor except for a certain amount which he kept for himself, and then went to Abba Antony. The old man soon understood what the situation was. “If you will,” he said, “please go into the village and buy meat. Dispose it all over your naked body and come back to me.”

When he had done this, birds as well as dogs attacked his whole body to get at the meat, and tore him with beak and claw. On coming back he was asked by Antony if he had done what was asked of him. “Just look at my torn flesh,” he replied. “Anyone who renounces the world,” said Antony, “and keeps money back for himself, is torn as you are, but by demons.”


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