Oblate Program at Belmont Abbey, NC

Take and Eat the Fruit of Obedience

benedict_rule_web2RB 7:34. The third step of humility is to submit to the superior in all obedience for love of God. In this, we imitate the Lord, of whom the Apostle says: “He became obedient to the point of death” (Phil 2:8).[1]

It was said of Abba John the Dwarf that he withdrew and lived in the desert at Scetis with an old man of Thebes. His Abba, taking a piece of dry wood, planted it and said to him, ‘Water it every day with a bottle of water, until it bears fruit.’ Now the water was so far away that he had to leave in the evening and return the following morning. At the end of three years the wood came to life and bore fruit. Then the old man took some of the fruit and carried it to the church saying to the brethren, ‘Take and eat the fruit of obedience.’

1. Kardong, Terrence G., Benedict’s Rule: A Translation, (Collegeville, Minnesota: The Liturgical Press) 1996.


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1 Response

  1. WOW! That is so cool!
    Great wisdom of the Desert papas!!!!
    Love it.