Oblate Program at Belmont Abbey, NC

Through Obedience the Dead was Raised

RB 7:34. The third step of humility is to submit to the superior in all obedience for love of God. In this, we imitate the Lord, of whom the Apostle says: “He became obedient to the point of death” (Phil 2:8).[1]

Two brothers joined a monastery. One of them kept religiously to the rules, the other had a great capacity for obedience. When the abbot said “Do this” he did it; “Do that” and he did it. And he was very highly regarded in the monastery because of his obedience. His “religious” brother was envious and promised himself that he would put his obedience to the test. He went to the abbot and asked that he and his brother could be sent to a certain place where he was needed, and the abbot agreed.

As they went out together they came to a river in which there were many crocodiles. “Go into the river and cross over,” he said, wanting to test him. He went in and the crocodiles came and began to lick his body but did him no harm. “Come out of the river and let’s go on,” he said when he saw what was happening.

And as they went they came across a dead body lying in the road. “If we had some kind of cloak we should lay it over him,” said the religious one. “Let us pray,” said the other. “Perhaps God will revive him.” And as they stood in prayer the dead man arose, and the religious one took all the credit to himself. “It is because I observe the rules strictly,” he said, “that this dead man has been raised up.”

Now God revealed all this to the abbot in the monastery, both how he had tested his brother with the crocodiles and how the dead man had been raised. “Why did you do this to your brother?” he asked when they returned to the monastery. Let me tell you, it was because of your brother’s obedience that the dead man was raised.”


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