Oblate Program at Belmont Abbey, NC

Prayer to Our Lady of Fatima

fatima_webBeloved Lady of Fatima, Queen of the Holy Rosary, Health of the sick and Comfort of the afflicted, I kneel before you to show my love and gratitude for all your blessings to me. I promise as a token of my gratitude, O Merciful Virgin to love, to revere, and to praise you all my life. I promise also to foster devotion to yo and to your Holy Rosary especially within the circle of my family.

Be a mother to me and look upon me with pitying eyes. Assist me that I may not yield to temptation; in return I resolve to fulfill whatever my Christian duty demands, and, trusting to your help never to sin against your Divine Son nor to offend you. Be my mother throughout my life and be my mother when I die. Amen.


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