Oblate Program at Belmont Abbey, NC

Pursue Hospitality in Every Way

All guests who arrive should be received as Christ, for he himself will say, I was a stranger and you took me in. Proper respect should be shown to all, especially fellow monks and pilgrims. (RB 53: 1-2)

macarius_webPursuing hospitality in every way, and do not turn your eye away or send the poor man away empty, lest perchance the Lord come to you in a guest or a poor man and see you hesitating, and you will be scorned. But show yourself cheerful to all and act like a believer. An eager reception must be given to guests when they arrive, knowing that for this one obtains the final reward, when in the judgement the Lord will say to those on his right hand: I was a stranger and you took me in, and : What you did to one of these the least ones you did to me.

Macarius the Great


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