Oblate Program at Belmont Abbey, NC

Western Nihilistic Culture

casey_webThe nihilistic culture propagated by so many countries in the West emphasizes neutrality among options. We are free to choose whatever suits us best-something becomes right by the fact of our choosing it. No particular option has any greater right to be chosen than any other. This denial of the objectivity of values leads to economic rationalism, consumerism, the unbridled pursuit of wealth and power, substance abuse, sexual permissiveness, the relativity of commitments, family break-ups, disregard for the rights of others and especially of the powerless, the abuse of children, abortion, euthanasia, wars of opportunity, and generally what in 1995 Pope John Paul II termed “the culture of death.” It does not take much acumen to conclude that a consumer society is well on the way to becoming a consumptive society.

Michael Casey, OSCO, Strangers in the City, p. 40.


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