Oblate Program at Belmont Abbey, NC

Solid Buildings and Stodgy Thinking

casey_webSolid buildings easily lead to stodgy thinking. How often the Church has failed to respond quickly to conscientious needs because so much financial investment was dependent on the preservation of the status quo — its schools, hospitals, and church buildings? Just as the necessity of long-term planning can lead us to overlook immediate imperatives, so buildings can begin to dictate the form of those who inhabit them instead of vice-versa.

Stability of place can easily lead to an abiding reluctance to change anything.

Michael Casey, OSCO
Fully Human, Fully Divine, p.163


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1 Response

  1. This would be a good message for our friends in Boston who refuse to give up their ‘church ‘ building. God is not the building, he is the body of Christ, the church. It is very sad how we hold on to ‘things’, even more than we hold on to people. Attachments.