Oblate Program at Belmont Abbey, NC

Seek the Nobility of the Soul

theodosia-of-alexandria_webSeek, my child, the nobility of the soul, for it is truth; that of the body is false. Do not seek honor from men, for this injures one; but rather, seek heavenly glory… . Be sympathetic with all the brethren and help them as much as possible; and, minister to all those unable or weak. Do not desire to live by another’s labors… . Never ridicule anyone, and especially when they are in misfortune. When you hear that a certain brother is disorderly, supplicate God to correct his life. Visit and help the sick, and serve the brethren as their servant; so you might be a friend of Christ Who, for your sake, became a servant and minister. Always heed, my child, not to fall into temptations. However, if it happens that thou should fall, straightway, rise up and amend your life with repentance, and again hasten to prayer. In this manner, live your life, my child, and God shall always hearken to you and help you in soul and body.

Theodosia of Alexandria


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