Oblate Program at Belmont Abbey, NC

Website Revision: Phase 3

As you can see, the new format is operational. While there are still a few “behind the scenes” tasks that need to be completed, the layout is final and I hope you find it easier to use. Within the next few days the RSS feeds, thumbnails, and the “Contact Us” page should also be working.

Across the top of the page you will see the categories that articles are filed under. There is also a much improve search engine. Immediately below the the current post and next to it the previous five posts to the site. The scroll bar below that has an additional 12 articles and the “Recent Posts” along the right hand side gives the listing for an additional 15 previous posts. With the last website you had available the last five posts before you had to go to the next page. With the new site revision you have immediate access to the last 33 posts. Below the “Recent Post” column is a drop-down Archives section to look up articles by month. Immediately below that is the last five comments posted to the site.

If you thought 33 articles was better, take a look down the middle of the page. In the middle is a listing of the Categories listed at the top of the page. Under each categories is the last four posts to that category. In theory, since the center column will duplicate the previously mentioned sections, there could be an additional 48 articles on the home page.

Aside from better access to the articles previously posted, you will find the site easier to navigate. For example, you will always be able to get back to the Home page without any difficultly or back paging. If you click on an article you will find an additional help to explore more articles by at particular author (needs some work) or additional articles on the same subject. Archives and the category listing is also available to use.

I hope you find these changes to your liking. The Mobile version is also active so people should not have trouble getting the web site on their mobile devices.


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