Oblate Program at Belmont Abbey, NC

Annual Renewal of Oblation

illustrationAbbot Placid Solari will receive final and temporary oblations on September 27, 2009. Family members are welcome to attend the Mass and ceremony which will be followed by a reception. Mass will begin at 3:00. Please mail this form to the Monastery as soon as possible.

Oblates who have already made their final Oblation are expected to renew that Oblation annually. This is usually done privately if they cannot make the first meeting in the fall — September 27th this year.

A few clarifying points. First, it is no longer customary for Oblates to select a name. Second, the survey given at the last Oblate meeting and the letter of request  are both meant to get the Oblate “novice” to think about the formal promise that will be made to the Abbot and to God. This is not a vow and is not binding under penalty of sin. It is, however, a formal promise that should not be taken lightly.

Please remember to include the date of your baptism. Since this is an ecumenical program any Christian may belong, but they must be baptized. You are not required to be confirmed, but a brief sacramental history would be nice to have as part of your record. For example:

Date of birth (required)
Date of baptism (required)
Date of First Holy Communion (not required)
Date of Confirmation (not required)
Date of Matrimony (not required)
Date of Holy Orders (if applicable)

Lastly, the letter you are to submit to the Director of Oblates should be a brief summary of your intention to make final Oblation. It should contain a brief explanation of why you believe God has called you to be an Oblate at Belmont Abbey and how you intend to follow the Rule in your daily life.


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