Oblate Program at Belmont Abbey, NC

Inner Knowing, the Gift of Inner Knowledge

codex_stluke_webFrom time to time, we all have a feeling of inner knowing. Call it “inside information”: God gives us secret insight. Before 9/11, one of the men who died in the plane that crashed in Pennsylvania had an inner knowledge that something was about to occur, and prepared for it.

God gives us “inside” tips. We must know how to receive and follow them.

Just as traders on Wall Street profit from knowing what is not widely known — just as businesses do well when they have insight — so are we granted guidance in a far more important (and spiritual) manner.

We’re all connected to God when we want to be connected to Him and when we are, He grants us special knowledge. This comes when we love Him, praise Him, and obey Him. It comes when we read the Bible. And it is important. Does Scripture not say that we “perish, for lack of knowledge”?

And so we must look within for information.

What’s “inside information”? It’s God speaking to you subtly (the way He always does, on this side of the veil). It is a feeling of peace — or lack thereof. It is when you know you know. It’s an idea that fits like an old shoe. It is when something occurs at God’s appointed time. There’s no niggling doubt. There is no hesitation.

Inner knowledge tells us on the other hand to stay away from something (or someone) when there is a feeling of unrest.

It is inside information when events occur to turn you toward something — or away from somebody who in retrospect would have caused you harm (or stifled your spiritual development).

When God is speaking like this, we feel pulled away. We don’t feel like ourselves. We can’t make up our minds. We are kept up at night (“unrest”). Something seems logical but doesn’t feel good. There is a bit of dread. The thought of it brings no comfort. There is one stumbling block after another. When that occurs, you must ask: Does God want me to do it, or is it my flesh speaking? Is it my motive I am acting on or someone else’s?

When we have inside information, our spirits may be sensing an attack. The thought of it drains us.

That’s because you are fighting God’s direction (and yourself). Wait on God; He has something better.

These are important emotions. We must “follow the peace.” For emotions are the language at the depth of the soul.

There are those who are smiley and friendly on the surface but may be causing an unrest in us that we can’t logically explain because their hearts are different and harbor evil or they are simply not meant for you or nor you for them at this time in your life.

We must not force matters. And we must not try to change or “correct” intuition. Unrest can be very crucial. It can be God speaking. Never pretend it doesn’t exist because you want something (or someone) different!

Said one wise priest, who actually experienced miracles of multiplication: “We’re well aware of God’s providence working all the time in a marvelous way. But it’s not miraculous. The Lord has a rhythm and a timing, and if you’re in His timing it works out great. The whole aim is to do God’s Will. He cooperates in what you’re doing as long as you cooperate in what He’s doing.”

Yes, purge any unforgiveness or anger or other spirits from within that may distort your view — clean house — but don’t ignore uneasy feelings that persist no matter how “logical” it may seem to do something.

Do we do this also? Can “unrest” not come when we force a situation?

Sometimes, we need a break; we need to withdraw and replenish; we need to be filled or we can give nothing. We are running on fumes — exhausted. Nor can we come to a good decision.

That’s when we need to separate ourselves and read the Bible and go into the inner sanctuaries of the Spirit and let God minister and fill us so we have goodness to pour upon others and into our decisions.

We must wait for God to enrich our intuitions before trying to “rationalize” or rely on the advice of someone who is not spiritual. Take no action (especially medical decisions) before first going deep inside yourself and asking the Lord!

See Explanation. Clicking on the picture will download the highest resolution version available.If you have a decision to make, your intuition will tell you if you pray enough (and don’t try to force the answer). Don’t make decisions after hearing gossip. Don’t make decisions after listening to worldly talk. Don’t make decisions after hearing loud rock music. Don’t decide while watching TV or listening to worldly radio.

Inside information will flow only when you are within your own right authority and in your secret chamber, which is where God meets you.

Go with your gut. Go with your spirit. Watch for unrest. When you ignore that feeling of disturbance, you may be straying from God’s best path. Follow the peace. It is the path to God. The Lord is subtle. He’ll lead but won’t drag. It’s up to you to integrate His knowledge. Explosive blessings will come to you when it is time if you follow His guidance.

Your name, from before eternity, is already on them.

Michael H. Brown
The God of Miracles


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