Oblate Program at Belmont Abbey, NC

Moderating the Passions

Abba_nilus_webAbba Nilus said, ‘The person who loves contemplative quiet remains invulnerable to the enemy’s arrows, but the person who mixes with crowds of people continuously receives blows. When the irascible part of the soul is at peace it becomes gentle, and when desire has been stilled by contemplative quiet it is inclined to be more lenient, in accorandance with reason, and becomes accustomed to being gentle. Simply put, every passion that is not aroused becomes progressively moderated and eventually is stilled altogether, in time having fogotten how to finction. Finally, when all that remains is the passion’s bare memories of its actions, the part of the soul that is disposed to the passions withdraws altogether.’

Becoming Fire, ed. Tim. Vivian
page 352


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