Oblate Program at Belmont Abbey, NC

Human Life is a Trial-and-Error Reality

Most of us would be a lot happier if we were to embrace the notion that himan life is necessarily a trial-and-error reality. The goal is eternal life. That is fixed. But the ways by which we attain that goal and the objectives we pursue en route are relatively flexible. We do not operate in a vacuum. Our course must be chosen in the context of all sorts of things that are happening to us and around us, over which we hae no control. There is no means of verifyying that a particular choice is guaranteed to be the right one. Such infallibility is the preogative of hindsight. Gaced with multiple options, all we can do is make a judgment on the available evidence and act on that. even with all the diligence and intellegence we can muster, we will often misjudge a situation, and a negaitive outcome will result, with varying degress of damage to ourselves and others.

Michael Casey, OSCO
Fully Human, Fully Divine, p. 236


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