Oblate Program at Belmont Abbey, NC

Good Company?

Certain brethren, being minded to go from Scete to the abbot Antony, went aboard a ship that they might go to him: and they found in that same ship an old man who likewise was minded to go to Antony. But the brethren did not know him. And as they sat in the ship they talked with one another about the sayings of the Fathers and about the Scriptures, and again about the work that they did with their hands. But the old man held his peace through all.

When they reached the harbour, they perceived that the old man also was on his way to the abbot Antony. And when they had come to him, the abbot Antony said to them, “You have found a good companion for your journey in this old man.” And he also said to the old man, “Did you find good brethren to keep company with, Father.” Then said the old man, “Indeed they are good, but their house has no door. Who ever wants to may enter into the stable and loose the ass.” Now he said this because what ever came into their hearts, that they spoke with their mouths.


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