Oblate Program at Belmont Abbey, NC

The Three Days of Passion Begin with the Breaking of the Bread

From the moment when he broke his body for his disciples and gave it to his apostle three days are numbered during which he was counted among the dead, like Adam. Although Adam lived for many years after having eaten the fruit of the tree, he was still numbered among the dead for having broken the commandment. God spoke to him, The day on which you eat of it you shall die. Scripture also says, Your descendants will dwell there for four hundred years, and the years were numbered from the day on which this word was pronounced. The same way of counting applies h wise to our Lord. Alternatively, the sixth day must be counted as two and the sabbath as one It was because he had given them his body to eat in view of the mystery of his death that he entered their bodies, as afterwards he entered the earth. Our Lord blessed and broke the bread, because Adam had not blessed the fruit at the time when, as a rebel, he gathered it. The bread entered them, making up for the greed by which Adam had rejected God. The three days might also be counted from the descent into hell and the ascent: the sixth day, the sabbath, and the first day of the week.

Ephrem the Syrian
Commentary on Tatian Diatessaron 19.4.7


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