Oblate Program at Belmont Abbey, NC

Leave Vengeance to God

One of the brethren, that had been insulted by another, came to Abbot Sisois and told him the scorn that had been put upon him, and said, “I am set to revenge myself, Father.” And the old man began to entreat him to stay and leave vengeance to God. “I am determined and shall not stay until I have complete revenge.”  So the old man said, “Since you have made up your mind once for all, now let us pray,” and rising, he began to pray in these words, “God, You are no longer necessary to us, You do not need be anxious for us: for we ourselves, as this brother has said, are both willing and able to avenge ourselves.” But when the brother heard it, he fell at the old man’s feet seeking his pardon, and promised that he would contend no more with the man against whom he was angered.


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