Oblate Program at Belmont Abbey, NC

Brief Rule of St. Romuald

Sit in your cell as in paradise;
put the whole world behind you and forget it;
like a skilled angler on the lookout for a catch
keep a careful eye on your thoughts.

The path you follow is in the psalms — don’t leave it.
If you’ve come with a novice’s enthusiasm and can’t
accomplish what you want, take every chance you can find
to sing the psalms in your heart and to understand them
with your head; if your mind wanders as you read
don’t give up but hurry back and try again.

Above all realize that you are in God’s presence;
hold your heart there in wonder as if before your sovereign.

Empty yourself completely;
sit waiting, content with God’s gift,
like a little chick tasting and eating nothing
but what its mother brings.


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