Oblate Program at Belmont Abbey, NC

Angel of Life

My beauty is my openness,
for I am without form,
for how can compassion
love and empathy be constrained.

I am the one who calls you to embrace all that you are,
your darkness is your pathway into deeper mystery,
your path of light a dark one,
placing one foot in front of the other,
giving you the courage to believe
even when doubt gnaws at your ankles,
driving you forward
towards that finale letting go
in trust of life’s true goodness.

You are still a child,
your path only at its beginning,
for the journey is of infinite duration….
for loves ability to expand continues
without abating for eternity.

Your inner storms are calls to be brave,
your prayers are those of a child seeking an end
to your scatterings over your inner landscape,
bits and pieces laying around
one day to be found and placed ‘just so’,
your inner wounds your glory
for they impel you forward
blocking the luxury of going back impossible.

My love enfolds all that you are,
for I am part of you
yet also greater than you know,
for where are you boundaries really,

do you have any?

Beneath you inner pain and chaos,
your self hatred and contempt,
your inner rage that rips your soul,
beneath that,
You will find me beloved,
for I am more than just an angel of life,
I am what drives you,
heals you,
never leaves you,
nor allows you escape into a world of fantasy.

You drink darkness that is true,
for me,
your angel of life
it is all the same,
(the dark and the light)
for you have given yourself to Me,
my embrace is eternal,
and your dark angel,
your poor inner self
will one day succumb to my enticements
and find peace.

chained it must remain,
for now.

Br. Mark Dohle, OCSO
Holy Spirit Monastery


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