Oblate Program at Belmont Abbey, NC

Padre Pio’s Angelic Helper

Once a person was accepted as Padre Pio’s spiritual child, he would never abandon them, no matter what danger they were in. Even if he did not visit them personally, they would receive his help through his Guardian Angel.

Cecil Humphrey-Smith, a well known gentleman from England, is Padre Pio’s spiritual child. Whilst in Italy, during the time Padre Pio was alive, Cecil had a car crash and was very seriously injured. A friend of his, seeing him in such a bad condition afterwards, went to the Post Office and sent a telegram to Padre Pio requesting his prayers for the injured Cecil. When he presented the telegram at the desk, the man gave him back a telegram from Padre Pio assuring his prayers for Cecil Humphrey-Smith’s recovery.

It was some months before Cecil was in good enough shape to travel again, but immediately he had recovered he made tracks for San Giovanni Rotondo. On this occasion, both Cecil and his friend met Padre Pio and they thanked him for his prayers. At the same time, they were curious to know how he came to know about the accident and how a telegram had arrived in such a short space of time. In response to their demand, Padre Pio, in his humoristic way said: “Do you think the Angels go as slowly as the planes?”

God had given him the light to see his spiritual child in danger of death and, as usual, he sent his Guardian Angel to assure his prayers and protection.

Here at Our Lady of Grace Friary, we produce a magazine called “The Voice of Padre Pio”, in which we publish information on the work going on at the shrine. This magazine is a mine of information on the life of Padre Pio and arrives six times a year in the homes of devotees throughout the world. The arrival of this magazine usually serves to brighten the day of those who receive it, but in some cases it has a very special significance… I receive a lot of English mail from all parts of the world and often people tell me how glad they are to receive it. On a number of occasions I was told of cases where a subscriber was feeling very depressed due to family problems or difficulties of some sort. Knowing that Padre Pio had always told them to send him their Guardian Angel, the ever-ready Angel was sent, and within a short time they found “The Voice” in their letter box! Nothing would convince these devotees that it was not their Guardian Angel who delivered it in time of need, acting on Padre Pio’s instructions. The Bible tells us that the Angels act as messengers “sent out”, and Padre Pio told us that they go faster than the planes so there is no need to doubt it.

Fr. Alessio Parente, OFM Cap
Send Me Your Guardian Angel


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