Oblate Program at Belmont Abbey, NC

Mary is watching over us and praying for us

[Jesus] is always on the watch, as much as He was when the Apostles in Peter’s ship were struggling with the storm on the Sea of Galilee. although unseen by us, He is always there with His mother watching over His Church, secretly strengthening it, prepared again to come walking on the waters. He never allows the storm to wreck Peter’s ship.

It is the same in our personal, daily trials, in our attempts to keep afloat when we are beset by storms of trouble and temptation. We seem to be alone. Often there is no visible sign of Christ’s presence to reassure us in our struggle. But Mary, our Mother and our Queen, is watching over us and praying for us, “now and at the hour of our death.” Nothing that happens to us leaves her indifferent. Are we not her children? Are we not co-heirs, along with her Son, to the heavenly inheritance which she is now enjoying? Although she is now beyond the reach of death and pain, she knows how to feel with us in our trials. She knows what we are going through. She does not wish to see us spared suffering. To be glorified with Him, we must suffer with Him (Rom. VIII. 17).

She herself claimed no exemption from that rule, nor will she claim an exemption for us. She knows that when God allows a temptation, He provides us with the strength to overcome it (see 1 Cor. 10:13). Her own heart is now the more glorious because of the sword of sorrow that once pierced it. Her royal children need a discipline to fit them to be true heirs to the kingdom. “We must enter the kingdom of God through many sufferings” (Acts XIV. 22). That was Jesus’ way. That was His Mother’s way. That is the only way for all her children.


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