Oblate Program at Belmont Abbey, NC

Cassinese Congregation to unite with the Subiaco Congregation

The General Chapter of the Cassinese Congregation, meeting at the monastery of S. Giacomo di Pontida from 26 to 30 July 2010, voted in favor of beginning the formal procedure for union of the Cassinese Congregation with the Subiaco Congregation. This is in a sense a “re-union” since Subiaco Congregation began in the 19th century as a reformed “Province” within the Cassinese Congregation. Dom Pietro Vittorelli OSB, Abbot of Montecassino, has been an ardent advocate of union since his election in 2007, and there has already been a notable degree of collaboration between the Cassinese and the Italian Province of the Subiaco Congregation.

Dom Giordano Rota OSB of Pontida Abbey was elected on 28 July 2010 as the new Abbot President of the Cassinese, and on 4 October 2010 made a formal request for aggregation on behalf of the entire Congregation. This request was discussed by the Council of Visitors meeting at Mahitsy in November and given a favorable reception. The two Congregations are now in consultation with the Holy See about the practicalities involved in such a union. It is to be hoped that a formal motion can be prepared for presentation to the next General Chapter, September 2012.

Also reported in Sant’Ambrogio, NS 5 (December 2010), circular letter of the Abbot President of the Subiaco Congregation, is the impending closure of Siegburg Abbey, Germany. The community voted by a two-thirds majority to close the monastery and disperse. The decision has been confirmed by the Extraordinary Visitors, and an announcement has already appeared in the German press that Michaelsberg will close in June 2011.

Originally posted at St. John Abbey


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