Oblate Program at Belmont Abbey, NC

If you do not strive, you will not find

Look what good things occur to someone as a result of divine care! Sometimes, when a person is on his knees at the time of prayer, with his hands outspread or extended heavenwards, his eyes gazing on the Cross, and with the whole movement of his mind, as it were, stretched towards God in entreaty, during the time while such a person is thus engaged in supplication and groanings, all of a sudden a fountain of sweetness is stirred up from his heart.  His limbs become feeble, his sight dim, he bows his head; his thoughts are altered and he can no longer kneel on the ground as a result of the exultation at the sign of grace which surges through his entire body.

Therefore, my reader, pay attention to what you are reading. Indeed, can such things as these be known from writings in ink? Can the taste of honey pass over from a written text to the palate of the reader?

If you do not strive, you will not find; and if you do not knock eagerly at the door and keep long vigil before it, you will not receive an answer.

St. Isaac the Syrian (of Nineveh), 7th century


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