Oblate Program at Belmont Abbey, NC

For there were many against me.

Ps 55:18
He has redeemed my soul in peace from the battle that was against me, For there were many against me.

Have you ever felt like the whole world was against you? Feelings are very deceptive and can cause us a lot of worry, fear and anxiety. Most of the time when we feel like the whole world is against us, in reality it is only a few people or a couple of bad happenings.

Now I know those feelings that we are having are real and that the things that are happening are real, but the devil turns our ant hills into mountains for the purpose of bringing fear and worry unto us.

The battle that we are going through is very real to us and the devil takes that to try and destroy your faith in God and to make you feel that no cares for you.

The Psalmist David at one point cried out to God and said, “no man careth for my soul.” The devil wants to get us into that helpless situation, feeling that we are all alone and that no one cares about us, so that he can cause us to give up and hurt ourselves or to go down into the pit of depression.

The good news is there is one person who always cares about you and that is Jesus.

A lot of people don’t think of Jesus as a person but only as God that just sits on the throne of heaven and watches us running to and fro. Jesus came to this Earth and took on himself a body of flesh just like you and I.

Even though he was God, he became flesh and a person who had feelings just like you and I, so that he would know how we would feel when we think the whole world has rejected us and when people betray us and turn against us.

Jesus felt all these things so now in his role of intercessor at the right hand of God the father, he can come with his Holy Spirit or angelic host and bring unto us the help we need.

The only way that we can receive this help is for us to call out unto Jesus for the comfort, strength and wisdom that we need through our battles. Jesus tells us in the Bible to call unto him and that he will hear and answer us.

The devil doesn’t want you to call unto Jesus because he wants you to feel all alone and that there is no hope for you but the answer is Jesus.

He is waiting for the call from you so he can bring unto you the help that you need.

Don’t delay, right now call out to Jesus; he is waiting and your answer is waiting to come.

The Rev. Benny Reppond is pastor of the Christian Life Center in Opelousas.


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