Oblate Program at Belmont Abbey, NC

Get Up

There are times when the hardest thing to accomplish is to simply get up,or to keep going.  To give up is easy, to move forward in faith more difficult.  We are on a journey, so wrong turns will be taken, there will be failures and detours, yet, as it is learned, grace draws us back over and over again.  For God does forgives seventy times seventy times a day.  The new live that we are called to is to understand that what seems obvious, might not be that way at all.  For just think, if this is true, as St. Paul says:  “that all things work out for the good for those who love Christ”, well that gives life a whole new meaning, does it not?  Christ Jesus for Christians is God incarnate, so what Christ says is for all peoples, for the Kingdom of God is within, that means within all.  To give up on oneself, to despair, is what we are called to work against, self love and hope is the beginning of loving others for self knowledge leads to compassion and empathy towards others.   Allowing us to see the face of Christ in all faces…. those who are smiling, those in pain, the down trodden and those who are well off and strong.  We are all one, because God calls us to truly love one another, and to support each other on the way; even strangers, our enemies and those outside our own tribe.”What you do to the least of these, you do unto”

Br. Mark Dohle, OCSO
Holy Spirit Monastery

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