Oblate Program at Belmont Abbey, NC

What we are not

Humility is not about self loathing, but about seeing the truth, embracing it and not sinking into self hatred and despair.  Perhaps that is the greatest obstacle, for it is easy to fall into those traps.  The call to dying to self is more about that, than overcoming anyone ‘thing’ in ones life.  Often our self destructive habits are based on this self loathing than on anything else.  It takes courage to stand up to the inner mob that wants to keep us back and to simply say “I don’t believe you”.  We are not our thoughts and certainly not or emotions and feelings.  They come and go and can become habits of relating to life that only increase our bondage and suffering.  To have them and not believe is difficult but the death to that imprisoned self only leads to an ever deeper and expanding freedom.

Br. Mark Dohle, OCSO
Holy Spirit Monastery


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