Oblate Program at Belmont Abbey, NC

Surmounting Temptation

What does it mean to surmount temptations, and what is the cure for them? The answer is this: you must never grow weary but pray to God with your whole heart, praising him and being patient in all circumstances; and then the temptation will leave you. Thus was Abraham tested, and he emerged victorious from the struggle. That is why Scripture says, Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but from them all the Lord delivers them. Again, James says in his letter, If anyone among you is sad, let him pray. You see then how all the righteous, on falling into temptation, have cried to God. It also stands written: God is faithful, and he does not allow you to be tried beyond your strength. So now God is at work in you because of the integrity of your hearts. If he did not love you, he would not bring temptations upon you; Scripture tells us that God disciplines those he loves, and chastises the children he accepts. Ac­cordingly the faithful need temptations, for those who have not been through them are not of the elect. They wear a habit indeed, but fail to show the fortitude it demands. Our father Antony used to say to us, Without trials a person cannot enter the kingdom of heaven, and blessed Peter too wrote in his letter: Rejoice now, though you seem to be saddened by various temptations, that your faith may be tested and proved excellent, more so than gold which passes through fire.

St. Ammonas the Hermit
Epist. 9.2-5 (PO 10:590-593); Word in Season VIII


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