Oblate Program at Belmont Abbey, NC

Online Video Course

A new online video course, “The Heart of the Rule of Benedict” with S. Joan Chittister OSB, will begin on January 2, 2012, through the Monasteries of the Heart website (www.monasteriesoftheheart.org).

In this yearlong course, participants will have access to weekly three to five minute videos on Benedictine spirituality distilled by Sister Joan from the 1,500-year-old Rule of Benedict. Chapter by chapter, Sister Joan will present the essence of the spirituality that has shaped and formed her life. The course spans 2012 and is divided into four sessions each lasting two months.

You can sign up session by session for $10 each session or sign up all four for $30 — a savings of $10. Included in the course is an optional online discussion facilitated by Erie Benedictine Sister Mary Ellen Plumb OSB.

[original post: http://www.osb.org]


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