Oblate Program at Belmont Abbey, NC

Our lives have meaning

For the Christian, the Word, or Christ is the way to seek to understand life and what it is about. In Christ, God emptied himself and dived full bodied into our human experience with all of its joys and sufferings. Perhaps each religion does this, gives tools to help us make sense of our lives and what they are about. Christ endured our pain and loneliness and also for many of us our painful and isolated deaths. “My God, My God, why have you forsaken me”, is something that I think most will learn to understand as they journey through life. Suffering is not taken away, but we are journeyed with and loved. This is not pie in the sky, it is reality. Our lives have meaning, love causes suffering, and our lives are often filled with darkness and loneliness, yet in all of these God tabernacles with us. There is no escape from this, for Christ goes before us and we follow.

Br. Mark Dohle, OCSO
Holy Spirit Monastery


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