Oblate Program at Belmont Abbey, NC

The difference between hypocrisy and failure

There is a difference between hypocrisy and failure. To say we are sinners can be something positive. For it means we have freedom, we can choose. Responsibility is a given and it gives a doorway out of a destructive situation. It also means that we have a propensity towards behavior that is self centered and lacks empathy towards others; as well as compassion. Maturity takes time, effort and also openness for grace to do its work. Self knowledge is perhaps the first step towards this inner integration that is sought my many. So in the process there will be missteps, failures and set backs. To admit responsibility, allows one to continue, ask for forgiveness and move forward. In a world that does not believe in sin, or in personal freedom, it amazes me how vocal some can get over failures. Those who understand the nature of sin, are not shocked by the imperfections and even evils within their traditions, for we each share the same pull towards disintegration and inner chaos. Hypocrisy on the others hand is about doing what is known to be wrong, hiding it and then pointing fingers at others for doing the same thing. To admit powerlessness is the first step to true empowerment through the healing love of God’s forgiveness. Conversion means to turn around, again this may take many twist and turns, but in the end the Spirit of God will win out. The greatest struggle is not to give up and also to not be discouraged by the failures of others.

Br. Mark Dohle, OCSO


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