Oblate Program at Belmont Abbey, NC

A Prayer of AIM for Monastic Life

O loving God,
We ask your blessing, on all monastic men and women,
especially those who live and work
in the most destitute parts of the world.

Help us to become people of prayer and peace.
May we be visible signs
that strangers can live together in God’s love.
Give us hearts wide enough
to welcome the traveler, the outcast, the neighbor.

Enable us
to listen to and learn from the people we serve,
especially the poorest.

May out communities be models of wise stewardship,
of dignified human labor,
of sacred leisure,
and of reverence for all living things.

Above all, O God,
may a monastic presence in the world
be a constant witness
of justice, compassion and hope to all. Amen.


Copies of AIM Prayer card are available from:
345 East Ninth Street
Erie, PA 16503-1107 USA


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