Oblate Program at Belmont Abbey, NC

Offer ourselves and all we have to God

It should be our daily and frequent practice to offer ourselves and all we have to God, for His glory, in thanksgiving for His many blessings, in petition for the favors which we and others need, and in reparation for the sins which we and others commit. We should strive so to live and act each day that this, our offering, will be pleasing and acceptable in God’s sight. Very often this will not be an easy matter, due to our temperament, our health, the kind of life we have to lead, the work we have to do, our companions or associates, and the like; but the greater the effort we have to make, the greater the benefit to ourselves and to those for whom we pray.

Charles J. Callan, OP and John F. McConnell, MM
from Spiritual Riches of the Rosary Mysteries, pp. 43


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