Oblate Program at Belmont Abbey, NC

Camaldolese Benedictines Celebrates First Millenium

St. Romauld

Camaldolese Benedictines are commemorating the 1,000th anniversary of the foundation of their motherhouse in Camaldoli, Italy, where St. Romuald encouraged the vocation of some monks to live in solitude as hermits. In recent years, the motherhouse has become a center for ecumenical and interreligious dialogue.

On Saturday, 10 March 2012, Pope Benedict XVI and the Anglican Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams, will celebrate Vespers in the church of St. Gregory on the Caelian hill, site of a Camldolese community since the 16th century. From this church Pope St. Gregory the Great sent the Benedictine monk, Augustine, to evangelize Anglo Saxon England at the end of the sixth century. Listen to an interview with Fr. Peter Hughes OSB Cam., Prior of St. Gregory Monastery.

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The Camaldolese Charism
Camaldolese Benedictine monks trace their heritage to the 6th century monastic traditions of Saint Benedict, as further defined in the 11th century by their founder, Saint Romuald. The three elements of the Camaldolese charism are:

  • Solitude for personal prayer and meditation
  • Communal prayer and work within the monastery
  • Contemplative outreach

Founded in 1027, the Hermitage at Camaldoli, Italy serves as the motherhouse of the Order. Today, Camaldolese monasteries are found on the continents of Asia, Africa, and North & South America in addition to Europe.

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