Oblate Program at Belmont Abbey, NC

Who is Worthy?

Seeking to help only those who are ‘worthy’ is a slippery slope to start walking on. For who is to say one person is more worthy than another. That does take a certain type of judgment that I don’t want to take the responsibility in making. Though of course at times I do; I am not really that far along in this regard. In any case, we can’t help everyone, but there are some who are put into our lives that I feel we are meant to help. These are the ones who don’t simply enter our lives for a short time and then leave, but stay somewhere within our sight. They could be family members, friends, and yes those with whom we just seem to bump into one day and they stick. They stretch us, make us see our own underlying motivations and yes our limitations. From interacting with them we learn boundaries, for if they are not learned, then we burn out, or end up hating those we are trying to help. Helping is not controlling or forcing, but always respecting the boundaries that are always needed. To speak up honestly is the only real way to do that. It is in speaking truthfully that we allow others to see us the way we would like to be seen.

Br. Mark Dohle, OCSO


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