Oblate Program at Belmont Abbey, NC

You are called to be a worker

Saint Benedict is saying “. . ., you are engaging in the spiritual art, not to receive something, but to give whatever you have. This endeavor will provide you with the opportunity to use your highest gifts in the service of something larger than yourself. You are called to be a worker, to give of your talents with disinterested generosity, to labor much in the service of the Lord and for the benefit of others. You are not the center of the universe; you are a worker. You are a valued worker and your unique task is significant in the context of the whole, but first you have to learn your craft in all its aspects. Come into the workshop and see the array of implements here. With some of these you will be already familiar; there are others that you must learn to use. Skill with them requires the willingness to accept instruction and learn, and the patience to practice for a long time until you become proficient in the various implements of the spiritual craft.”

Michael Casey, OSCO
The Road to Eternal Life, p. 55


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