Oblate Program at Belmont Abbey, NC

What the soul desires

God is love,
so the soul desires a return,
seeking the union in ways often self defeating,
desiring warmth and escape from loneliness
as an end in itself,
not understanding that love,
true love deepens our sense of otherness,
knowing that all that we see around us
is limited and cannot filll a heart
made for the infinite ocean of love.

When rejected this truth,
then we take love,
use others,
make them objects
and then when they disappoint us
which they will,

True love leads to wholeness,

Self seeking love as an end in itself,
the worse drug possible
leading to ever deeper desperation
and in the end loneliness and despair.

Only in the death to the old way of life,
can this love be experienced,
though there are no shortcuts,
yet Love is with us always,
walking with us,
lifting us up
and offering always,
a new beginning and mercy.

For our longing for love
is a response to the invitation
given to all,
for we are all pursued by Love.

Br. Mark Dohle, OCSO


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