Oblate Program at Belmont Abbey, NC

Perhaps like good sheep

I have two good friends, one a Republican and the other a Democrat.  Both are intelligent men, well read and highly educated.  One is doctor the other one has some kind of esoteric job that I have never been able to understand, has something to do with cultural trends and advertising.  Everything goes well in our conversations when we talk about literature for instance and even religion up to a point.  One is an agnostic the other more or less believes God but the question is not important to him.  Myself, a Roman Catholic centrist I suppose…I need a label as well I guess.

It is when we get into politics that I kind of sit back and watch.  I really don’t get politics, though I try to keep up.  I don’t belong to any political party and tend to vote for the man or woman I think is best for the job.  Though because of my lack of political intelligence, I am sure makes my choices, or most of them, still lacking in judgment.  My two friends both think that, when I don’t agree with one, or both, of their views, but changes when I agree with one of them on a particular political question, then I am an astute and intelligent.  My two friends unlike me are experts in politics and I am amazed at how vehement their arguments become, how loud their voices get and also the slams that are given in equal measure to one another.  It can be amusing when watching, though in reality it is not….for both are speaking from highly entrenched positions.  I tend to agree more with one side than the other, though which side changes, depends on the subject matter.  I feel they are biased in their views, but so am I.  Being a Christian does in some way limit my acceptance from both of them in their political views, a well as their thoughts on religion and its place in our society.  If I got drawn in, I would get just as loud and perhaps insulting in defending my position…. which would be a waste of time and energy…. something I have learned from painful experience over the course of my life more than once.

I believe that societies, cultures and the countries that they are lived out…. have a life of their own and they evolve or devolve as life goes on.  The different factions can either have conversations about differences, or screaming matches.  Screaming is easier and perhaps for many more fun, but it does have a detrimental affect on society leading to a deeper divide between factions.   Left and right, liberal and conservative and those who follow these different labels, are fast turning themselves into stereotypes, which from my perspective, could point to a level of brain washing, that is so deep as to be invisible.  Yes, I know, being religious I too could suffer from this aliment, perhaps more common than many would like to think about.  Also easier to see in an opponent, though of course, harder to see in ones own “Thought-Hive”; for labels are pasted on ‘those others’ but certainly not on our own thoughtful, intelligent, and in touch with reality perspective, thank you very much.   One way to break the hold of this ‘brainwashing’ is to step back and not label so quickly.  I do not know any true liberals or conservatives, for it depends on the matter be discussed… though I am sure they exits. Our talk show hosts show this, though they may just be good entertainers, actors, who play out their role over the radio and TV.  They are highly paid performers.  This goes for Fox as well as CNN.  It is a show and we the people play along and choose our sides…. perhaps like good sheep.  Perhaps we can only stop being sheep when we can actually come to the point of knowing that we are just that…sheep.  We are fish living in the ocean of our time, perhaps it is impossible to break out and to think for ourselves.  Not a pretty thought that is for sure.  I have been told that I have a rather dark perspective on life and humanity, perhaps I do….however, I am ever hopeful that when things get bad enough we will learn new ways of doing things before it is too late.

Br. Mark Dohle, OCSO
Holy Spirit Monastery


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