Oblate Program at Belmont Abbey, NC

No one should be given up for lost

Paphnutius himself continued to develop his life to the highest degree of abstinence and spiritual labours, and not long after this an angel of the Lord came to him saying; “Come, O blessed one, and enter into those eternal tabernacles which are your just deserts. Behold the prophets, who take you up into their choirs. You have not been told about this before lest you become conceited and receive only damnation as a reward for your labours.”

He was given one more day in the flesh after this while certain priests came to visit him, to whom he made known all that the Lord had revealed to him. He told them that no one living in the world should be given up for lost (emphasis added), even if they had been robbers, or actors, or farmers, or married, or merchants seeking profits. For in every sphere of life there were souls pleasing to God, doing in secret works with which God was well pleased. Whence it was obvious that it was not an outward profession of life or the wearing of a habit which was pleasing to God so much as sincerity and integrity of mind, and honesty in all one’s dealings. He expressed a few similar sentiments on each of these topics and gave up his spirit. And the priest and all the brethren present plainly saw him taken up by the angels singing hymns and praising God all together.


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