Oblate Program at Belmont Abbey, NC

We are completely dependent on God

In the supernatural order, we have been lifted into a new state of life. We are partakers of the divine nature and called to share in the life of the Holy Trinity. However, we are completely de­pendent on God for this new life and need the grace that comes from God.

The craze for liberty and independence is so illogical that it makes men refuse to admit their dependence on God. You see it happening in Europe now. For a long while Christian principles were the basis of law, government, and the customs of society. Several European nations have discarded Christianity and sub­stituted law as a source of human rights. All human rights, or natural rights, have been legislated away. Man is now seen as merely a creature of the state. He has no one to appeal to nor a basis on which to appeal and justify his individual rights and liberty.

The only person who can protect the dignity of human nature and the freedom of the individual person is God and the knowledge of God. Our dependence on God is the basis  our freedom. However, we must admit our dependence. The trouble is that we want to sign our names to things. We want the glory for ourselves, so we refuse to admit dependence on God.

Eugene Boylan, OCSO
Partnership with Christ, p. 33.



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