Oblate Program at Belmont Abbey, NC

Just one look

It was early morning when the day still fresh,
the air cool and hope was in the air,
before fatigue could set in
or disappointment change the days youthful texture,
that is when I saw him,
he was old, in his seventies I would say,
with a glorious beard golden in color
suffused with sunlight,
well kempt,
just sitting on a bench,
so still,
as I drove by I looked back,
he seemed to be so much at peace,
I envied him,
and then continue to drive,
but the image has stayed with me,
just one look
and I was touched,
strange we never know how we affect others,
he will never know his influence on me that fine morning,
who knows
for years to come.

Br. Mark Dohle
Holy Spirit Monastery


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