Oblate Program at Belmont Abbey, NC

Ladder of Divine Ascent – Lenten Reading Schedule

The_Ladder_of_Divine_Ascent (2)_webThe Ladder (from which St John received the ‘nickname” Klimakos – “ladder” in Greek) was written in response to another Abbot’s advice on promoting health spirituality in his monastery. St John’s reply proved such a thorough and clear exposition that it has become de rigueur Lenten reading in Eastern Christians monasteries all over the world. As St John’s writings are also easily accessible to the average reader, it has also become a favorite among the Byzantine Catholic and Orthodox laity as well. It is easily found in several English editions, the two most widely available being John Climacus: The Ladder of Divine Ascent (The Classics of Western Spirituality) and as The Ladder of Divine Ascent, published by Holy Transfiguration Monastery. Both are highly readable, the Holy Transfiguration Monastery edition perhaps presenting a more erudite and nuanced translation.

(There is are also a translation in the public domain that can be downloaded for printing or ebook (both pdf and txt) format by Archimandrite Lazarus Moore)

Below is the arrangement for those who keep the Horologion. For those unacquainted with “the Hours” Third=9:00 am; Sixth=Noon; ninth=3:00 pm (approximately). One could also easily consider a time-table dividing as “on rising”, “after work” and “near bedtime”; or even combining selections of the individual daily readings as one chooses. In any event, the Ladder is, after the Scriptures and Divine Services of the Season, the par excellence choice for Lenten reading. Thanks to Archpriest Michael Hayduk and Father Deacon Paul J. Leonarczyk, for the schema to read through St John of Sinai’s Ladder of Divine Ascent during the Great Fast (Lent).

Table for Reading The Ladder of Divine Ascent during the Great Fast (Lent)

Week Day Third Hour Sixth Hour Ninth Hour
First Mon. 1:1-7 1:8-18 1:19-27
Tue. 2 3:1-15 3:16-29
Wed. 4:1-10 4:11-15 4:16-22
Thu. 4:23-26 4:27-30 4:31-34
Fri. 4:35-41 4:42-57 4:58-71
Second Mon. 4:72-91 4:92-109 4:110-112
Tue. 4:113-126 5:1-12 5:13-18
Wed. 5:19-23 5:24-28 5:29-42
Thu. 6 7:1-16 7:17-31
Fri. 7:32-47 7:48-56 7:57-70
Third Mon. 8:1-18 8:19-29 9
Tue. 10 11 12
Wed. 13 14:1-23 14:24-36
Thu. 15:1-16 15:17-29 15:30-41
Fri. 15:42-55 15:56-65 15:66-75
Fourth Mon. 15:76-81 15:82-90 16
Tue. 17 18 19
Wed. 20 21 22:1-28
Thu. 22:29-46 23:1-18 23:19-37
Fri. 23:38-52 24:1-19 24:20-34
Fifth Mon. 25:1-9 25:10-29 25:30-51
Tue. 25:52-69 26:1:16 26:17-27
Wed. 26:28-50 26:51-69 26:70-88
Thu. 26:89-109 26:110-123 26:124-139
Fri. 26:140-153 26:154-170 26:171-189
Sixth Mon. 26a:1-37 26a:38-65 27:1-16
Tue. 27:17-28 27:29-40 27:41-56
Wed. 27:57-70 27:71-87 28:1-16
Thu. 28:17-29 28:30-50 28:51-64
Fri. 29 30:1-19 30:20-end

Originally posted at Byzantine Ramblings


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