Oblate Program at Belmont Abbey, NC

Dementia (their world is real to them)


The time is here, something dreaded in point of fact,
he is entering a phrase wherein he will become very confused,
paranoid, combative and  filled with deep fear, anger and rage,
then, the caregiver has to help as best as can be done,
a war of sorts, between the ones caring for,
and the one being helped but does not know it,
worlds in collision, a horrible time, but something real,
that has to be gotten through,
so shutting down helps, though I personally hate it,
yet how else can it be done, this dealing with human pain,
confusion, dementia, that only gets worse as time goes on?

For the world of the demented is real to them,
just as my world is to me, I just have others who agree with me,
communication difficult if not impossible and it only gets worse
for those in confusion with no way out,
this seeking to reach out to assuage their pain,
but it is impossible for the one suffering,
so help is given the best it can, being seen as something different
by the one receiving aid.

It is a human situation, a painful one, in a life often filled with pain,
is there no end to this dance?

Yes there is; death is not always the enemy, it can be the bringer of peace,
and those who have faith, something more.


Categorised in: Br. Mark, Poetry