Oblate Program at Belmont Abbey, NC

The contrast between royal news and papal trip

It has been curious, as many things that may bear meaning are often curious: At the same time that a major Catholic figure is making an appearance with a strong message for the world, it is nearly overcome by news that involves the royal family. It happened when Mother Teresa and Princess Diana died the same summer week in 1997 and it happened earlier this week when a baby was born to a royal couple — a baby now third in line to be king — at the same time that Pope Francis made his debut on the world stage. The contrast is striking.

Throughout these early months of his pontificate, the Pope has stood as an example of simple humility — toting his own bag onto the plane, chatting it up with average folks, staying in a room that is spartan even by the standards of an economy hotel. On his agenda today (7/25/13): visiting a slum. This is a man who as cardinal rode the bus each day. In Rome, he gets about in a Ford Focus. His message, visiting the famous shrine of Aparaceida yesterday: “It is true that nowadays, to some extent, everyone, including our young people, feels attracted by the many idols which take the place of God and appear to offer hope: money, success, power, pleasure. Often a growing sense of loneliness and emptiness in the hearts of many people leads them to seek satisfaction in these ephemeral idols.” The true queen is Mary.

Rich-poor-contrast-webIt was a message making clear that we need to forsake the trappings and idolatry of money, fame, and power — all of which are embodied precisely in a royal family, in this case one that is reportedly worth somewhere in the area of $68 billion (quite enough to wipe away hunger from any number of small third-world countries) with residences that include Buckingham Palace, Windsor Castle, the Palace of Holyroodhouse, St. James’s Palace, Kensington Palace (excluding the State Apartments) and Clarence House. Buckingham Palace alone has 775 rooms. These are folks who are exalted to the point of worship. It is improper for the average person to even touch the hand of the Queen (who wears gloves so as not to be contaminated). They are no doubt good people and they were born into what they were born into, and we share the joy of the new baby as any new baby is welcomed with love but there certainly is that tremendous contrast, whereby every little squeak and squawk of the royal baby will now make headlines and princes and queens move about in the most splendid Rolls Royces and other astronomically expensive vehicles surrounded by pomp and circumstance and living in the most sumptuous conceivable style, the ultimate in worldliness — while the media lavishes attention on it all, pushing the Pope to a corner of the front page.

We can understand that it is a cultural matter — a means of national identity, with a certain distinct charm. It is a set of customs. It brings much revenue into the country. It is important to other nations as well. National identity. There are splendid traditions in places like Canada. We respect those who hold the traditions dear. The president of the United States certainly doesn’t live in poverty. No national leader does. And the royals aren’t even the richest people in the world (though they come close). There are tons of people in the United States who live in a style that is beyond extravagant (with yachts harboring not one but two helicopters). At many junctures, it can be argued that Rome itself has adopted the style of aristocracy (before and after the Renaissance). Though no longer, our history has included papal “palaces” (see: Avignon). Meanwhile, in history are cases of saints who were of royalty.

Let us never judge. It should be said that the royals often come out with social statements that are meant to better the world or initiate a cause. Often, they try to do their part. But we must search the soul to see if it fits with the idea that all are equal in the eyes of God and note the arrival of the new royal baby (not that it is his fault!) could not be more different than the arrival of the Baby two thousand years ago, and the message is certainly different from that of the adult Jesus — Who walked among the lowly, Who supped with sinners, with the dirty, Who healed lepers, Who rode a donkey, Who owned nothing we know of, Who is not even defined as having a home — and pomp and circumstance is counter to this new Pope who — if they would only allow him to show the world — embodies the true magnificence of Christians and the Church Jesus founded.

[original source: Spirit Daily]


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